
{Day 1} 30 Day Blog Challenge

Day 1: Introduce, recent picture, 15 interesting facts.

My name is Tracy and I'm a 40-something year old wife and mom born and raised in Texas.   I have an AMAZING husband that I love dearly and a handsome son who is my whole world.  I love home decor, fashion, cooking and enjoying LIFE.

Interesting Facts:
{I'm not sure how interesting they are but here goes}

1. I'm a purger!  I love to get rid of things!  I either give them to charity, hand them down, move them to a different room or repurpose them.

2. Things that I have too many to count:  baskets, bags, flip flops, candles, frames and wrapping paper.

3. If I had plastic surgery, I'd have my ears pinned back.  Most people say they don't notice, but it bugs me!

4.  My maiden name is Tyler so we named our son Tyler.  If we had a girl her name was going to be Larkin or Reese.  We aren't having any more kids - so feel free to use either of them ;-) 

5.  I love to organize!  Clutter drives me crazy and I can't go to bed with a messy kitchen.

6. I hate exercising but I love playing volleyball, tennis and outdoor activities.  If the activity involves gabbing with friends - I'm all in!!!!

7.  I'm constantly rearranging furniture in our house.  Our house is never "done".  My poor family!

8.  I have one tattoo (on my ankle) that I got in Houston for $20 when I was 21.  I totally regret it!  10 years ago, I spent over $400 to get it removed.  It's still there! 

9. I love stripes, chevrons, glitter, mirrors and chalkboards! 

10. I have a B.S. in C.I.S (Computer Information Systems) and worked in the IT industry  for 7 years. But I wish I would have gotten my degree in Interior Design &/or Architecture.  I always dreamt of being a buyer for a large department store &/or store window front designer.

11. My favorite color is gray or grey. 

12.  I was born in a very small town.  My father, my mother and I were all delivered by the same doctor. 
Really small town, huh?!?!?

13.  I'm a list maker!  I love to check things off my list!

14.  In high school I attended volleyball camp at the University of Texas at Austin when I had appendicitis.  Needless to say, it was removed!

Drum Roll Please..........

15.  I'm launching my new business "tbd" (tracy brandes designs) in April 2012!  Stay tuned!