
Laundry Room Redo

I finally have my dream laundry room. In my previous house the laundry room was actually a hallway that took you from the kitchen to the garage. Not ideal! My laundry room now is a room that I actually LOVE to be in!!!!

Before: This room was sterile, white but had alot of potential and a TON of natural light coming in. But I couldn't leave well enough alone. I wanted to do something to draw attention to the walls and the high ceiling but wasn't in the mood to wallpaper (although that would have been nice) or paint the entire room!!




So I looked to again my inspiration on Pinterest (have I said how much I love that website???!!!) and decided on......

And.... after all of this: ....removed old (non-working) refrigerator, change light fixture, add small desk and fantastic chicken wire frame (see previous tutorial).

The transformation of this room took longer than I wanted or anticipated. I like things done NOW..... but I'm learning that I need to take my time and get what I want the FIRST time. Patience is not my thing. Here are a few examples of what I'm talking about. I wanted to get rid of the "builder grade" florescent light. See what I mean?

Builder Grade Light

So I found a LARGE drum shade on clearance at West Elm. I thought it would work perfectly in that room since it [1] has a tall ceiling and [2] already gets alot of natural light. Well, was I wrong!!!! When I took down the original light, I discovered 2 good sized, poorly positioned holes in the ceiling. Not ideal!!!! So that just made for MORE work for me. So much for a simple light change.

After builder light removal - with 2 good sized holes to patch - UGH!

Next step, I added a simple light kit and installed the large drum shade. Will patch the holes later.

Fabulous West Elm shade - but not quite right for the space.....
Again, another failed attempt. It looked o.k. but not the look I was going for. So I decided to be patient (insert laugh here)!!! Then while on a Nordstrom shopping spree with my bestie, Melissa, we came across this beauty. Goes to show you can find inspiration anywhere!!! So my brain started hurting and I thought...... "I could make that!" Famous last words....

Inspiration Photo - Nordstrom wire light

So off to my local hardware store I went hunting for wire and spray paint. And this is what I came up with..... LOVE IT!!!! (And I patched the 2 bonus holes that I ended up with after removing the builder grade light). Here's the tutorial on how to make MY version of the light.

Hope this inspires you to tackle a small or large size job in your house~!